Namkwang Engineering, transparent and worthy of your investments

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Condensed Financial StatementUnit : 1,000KRW

Item 2018Year 2017Year 2016Year
Balance sheet
Current assets 99,013,198 104,022,537 112,638,386
Noncurrent assets 49,893,449 62,393,530 63,255,492
Total assets 148,906,647 166,416,067 175,893,879
Current liabilities 93,814,066 106,398,833 116,417,687
Noncurrent liabilities 5,979,978 16,707,244 18,823,974
Total liabilities 99,794,043 123,106,077 135,241,661
Total capital 49,112,604 43,309,990 40,652,218
Liabilities and Total capital 148,906,647 166,416,067 175,893,879
No. of companies in consolidation 1 1 1
Income statement
Sales Gross 157,172,931 115,611,173 183,598,711
Sales Gross profit and loss 24,805,095 10,162,884 -1,108,093
Operating profit and loss 11,141,645 1,829,223 -9,299,058
Net income and loss 5,715,675 1,700,256 -2,149,173
Parent ownership interest 5,715,675 1,700,256 -2,149,173
Non-controlling interest - - -
Total comprehensive income 5,796,584 2,557,060 814,597
Parent ownership interest 5,796,584 2,557,060 814,597
Non-controlling interest - - -
Non-controlling interest(KRW) 582 174 -219
Diluted earnings per(KRW) 582 174 -219
No. of companies in consolidation 1 1 1
Statement of cash flows
Cash flows from business activities 5,000,127 1,340,890 -4,584,179
Cash flows from investing activities 2,383,873 2,108,058 33,357,966
Cash flows from financing activities -504 -22,630 -29,251,770
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cashable assets 7,383,496 3,426,317 -477,983
Cash at beginning of year 30,344,955 27,131,991 27,527,731
Effect of exchange rate on cash and cashable assets 77,592 -213,354 82,244
Cash at end of year 37,806,043 30,344,955 27,131,991